Sunday, 21 February 2016

Internetwache CTF 2016 Crypto-Pirat

Question :

Word of Caution : Highly frustrating challenge due to multiple encryption,encoding etc,. :-p

Attachment :

Solution :
Attachment has a README.txt which has :

♆♀♇♀♆ ♇♇♀♆⊕ ♇♀♇♀♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♇♀♇ ♀♆⊕♇♀ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ⊕♆♇♆♇ ♇♀♆♇♆ ⊕♇♀♇♀ ♆⊕♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♇♀ ♆⊕♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♇♀ ♆♇♇♀♆ ♇♆⊕♇♀ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆⊕♆♇ ♆♇♇♀♇ ♀♇♀♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆⊕♇♀ ♇♀♆♇♆ ⊕♆♇♇♀ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ♇♇♀♇♀ ♆⊕♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♆♇ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ♇♇♀♆♇ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ♇♆♇♇♀ ♆⊕♆♇♆ ♇♇♀♇♀ ♇♀♆⊕♇ ♀♆♇♆♇ ♆⊕♇♀♇ ♀♇♀♆⊕ ♇♀♇♀♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♇♀♇♀♆ ⊕♆♇♆♇ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆⊕♇♀ ♇♀♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♇♀♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♇♀♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♇♀♇ ♀♆⊕♇♀ ♇♀♆♇♆ ⊕♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♇♀♇♀ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ♇♇♀♆♇ ♆⊕♇♀♇ ♀♆♇♆♇ ♆♇♆⊕♇ ♀♆♇♆⊕ ♇♀♇♀♆ ♇♆♇♆⊕ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♆⊕♇♀ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆⊕♆♇ ♆⊕♇♀♇ ♀♇♀♆⊕ ♆♇♇♀♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♇♀♇♀♇ ♀♆⊕♆♇ ♇♀♇♀♆ ♇♆⊕♆♇ ♆♇♇♀♆ ⊕♇♀♆♇ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀♆⊕♇♀ ♆♇♆♇♆ ♇♇♀♆⊕ ♇♀♆♇♆ ♇♆♇♇♀ ♆⊕♇♀♆ ♇♆♇♆♇ ♇♀♆⊕♇ ♀♆♇♆♇ ♆♇♇♀♆ ⊕♇♀♆♇ ♆♇♆♇♇ ♀

What on earth is that ? what ? Is it about earth ? Yeah , you damn right about it.

Now Hint says there is a table on a well known website , I believe they meant this :

I took all the pain of substituting accordingly the number the planet is , hope you got what I meant ,if not {Mercury-1 , Venus-2 , Earth-3 , Mars-4 .......} is what I meant.

We get the numbers to be:
82928 99283 92928 98983 89899 28983 89898 98983 89929 28392 83928 38989 92898 39292 83898 98992 83898 98983 89898 98392 89928 98392 89899 28389 89929 29283 89899 28392 92898 38992 83928 99292 83898 98989 83928 99289 83928 98992 83898 99292 92839 28989 83929 29283 92928 98983 89898 98389 92928 38989 89899 28392 92898 98389 89899 29283 89898 98389 92898 98389 89898 98983 89929 28392 92898 38983 89899 29292 83928 99289 83929 28989 89839 28983 92928 98983 89898 98392 89899 28389 83929 29283 89928 98389 92929 28389 92928 98389 89928 39289 89899 28392 89898 99283 92898 98992 83928 98989 92839 28989 89928 39289 89899 2

Well,thats not it. A far way to go still :-p

I never knew what "Did the East German Secret Police see a Pirat on the sky?" this meant in the question and I googled to find the first reference as Stasi

The Stasi has a vernam cipher table called "TAPIR"

After decrypting the TAPIR cipher which we had, the numbers I meant.

We get the great MORSE CODE :
-.- --.. ..-. .... .-- - - ..-. -- ...- ... ... -.-. -..- ..--- ..- --. .- -.-- .... -.-. -..- ..--- -.. --- --.. ... .-- ....- --.. ...-- ... .-.. ..... .-- --. . ..--- -.-. --... -. --.. ... -..- . --- .-. .--- .--. ..- -...- -...- -...- -...- -...- -...-

After which a string : kzfhwttfmvsscx2ugayhcx2dozsw4z3sl5wge2c7nzsxeorjpu======

No wait, Thats not Base64 , its Base32 btw :-D


Lets try ROT13 on it


FLAG: IW{Arrr!_G00d_Pirate_you_are:)}

I had told you it was a long way to get here. Isn't it ?

1 comment:

  1. It looks easy the way you described it, but must have been very difficult. Even as simple as ROT13 looks, how did you find out that it is that and not something complex , even ROT12 or something?


enter valid comments.Suggestions are most welcome and would be interested in correcting my mistakes.