Question : Tracked sam in level 1? Cool. But now you more details. His USB drive gave you a swf file. Now, think like level 1, but more like a pro, and find his email id.
Well Its simple as it looks..
Just a swf to xml will do the job..
Link :
I installed a software called
Command i used : swfmill.exe swf2xml Level2.swf Level2.xml
we get a error which is a hex code : %68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%62%69%74%2e%6c%79%2f%31%61%4c%49%59%76%57
after converting the hex to ascii we get a link which is a apk file.
Now after a long time waiting for a apk reversing i got this :-)
First method is renaming it to rar and extracting the contents will give 1 folder and 3 files namely res,resources.arsc,classes.dex,AndroidManifest.xml
i got a email in about.xml and it was this which was wrong.Now only thing left out was classes.dex i used dex2jar to convert classes.dex to a jar file so that i can use jar file to see the java files.
I used JD(Java Decompiler) to get the java files.I found the email in com-
Email was :